German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Illinois
A.K.C. Licensed Hunting Tests for All Pointing Breeds
Held under the Rules and Procedures of the American Kennel Club
Des Plaines State Fish and Wildlife Area, West Grounds
28163 N. River Road, Wilmington, Illinois 60481
Entries are limited to 32 entries for each test
We encourage you to use entry system
Mail entries should be sent with a check payable to GSPCI to:
Perry Dlugie, 1106 Mazalin Drive, Shorewood, Illinois 60404
No telephone, fax or email entries accepted
All entries close Sunday, March 30 at 5:00 PM (local time) with Hunting Test Secretary at 1106 Mazalin Drive, Shorewood, Illinois, 60404
Drawing held Tuesday, April 1 at 5:00 PM at address above
Running orders to be posted on